
This site is dedicated to documenting the misadventures of a third culture kid playing The Sims 3.

I’m renovating a set of small (512x512) custom worlds to act as sub-neighborhoods of a larger city-state like Singapore.

Why am I doing this? Small worlds load much faster. I’ve cut down my save loading time to less than two minutes on a very dense if small world. Having multiple sub-neighborhoods allows me to spread my gameplay across different environments using the NRAAS traveler mod while controlling lag.

Also, as I’m building a city-state based Asian cities like Singapore, I’ve been careful to create my own population that matches the locale. I’ve always been frustrated with how sims with the Asian culture trait were portrayed in World Adventures and have been creating a diverse (read: mostly East, South, and Southeast Asian plus a few other races as expats) Sims 3 population for my neighborhoods.

Fingers crossed, this works out.